Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anna, Personal Prayer Coach

What I love is how Gabe gets it totally wrong that last time, and Anna turns and puts her hands on her hips in exasperation. What's a big sister to do, anyway?

(Notice how Gabey is using the wrong hand the whole time?)


  1. How incredibly precious!

    Silly question, but what kind of camera are you using? I am going to take the plunge and buy one soon -- I have NO clue what kind to get.

    Of course, I want to get something that will allow me to easily post to my blog. :-)

  2. Very good!!! It does say a lot for Gabe, for he is trying to "mirror" sissy's sign of the cross. I didn't get it for a long time with my kids and they were using the hand on the same side I was using, as if looking in the mirror. Oh, the human brain!!! Anna did very well. By the way, glad you're home. God Bless! Cathy

  3. How can anyone NOT giggle and aww when looking at those two cuties. The dog adds a nice touch too- kinda looking at the camera with a "hey what's going on?" expression.
    Love it.

  4. How wonderful!!!! It did make me giggle, and she was being sooo very patient, much more than she usually is with others. I'm very proud of them both!

    (Aunty) Donna

  5. Hi, Peggy! I use a Kodak Easy Share. And it really is a user freindly camera. It's one of the lower price ones, too, and takes pretty good pictures, I think. One thing that's frustrating me about it,though, is that it's quite "slow." You can't take pics in quick succession at all!

    Cathy ~ It's good to "see" you, too! &:o) You're not kidding; the human brain is an amazing thing ~ It's almost impossible to get them to use the right hand if you're right in front of them! Anna was trying her durndest to get those mechanics right, though!

    Laura ~ I know! Brigid (our little bichon) seemed a little bewildered by the whole thing, didn't she?

    Dons ~ Yeah, Anna does want the world to work according to her, doesn't she? But, she is learning to be more patient. Slowly but surely.

  6. That is SO cute! Your video reminds me of my little brother Matthew [age 6] trying to teach my little brother, Gabe [age 4]


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