Friday, January 18, 2008

A Place for Everything...

Hoping that everything stays in its place!

I was going to post the "before" picture of this cupboard, but it was just too embarassing... This old cupboard we inherited from an outbuilding in a former house. We think it started its life in an old general store or somesuch, probably around the turn of the 20th century, but I'm afraid its antique pedigree has received little respect. After its many years storing tools in an antique dealer's shed, we brought it out to the farm and used it to store dairy supplies in our milking barn.

It's only taken ten or fifteen years for us to realize that the solution to our school supply organization problem has been right under our noses all the time. We've only just been able to eradicate the smell of iodine from it (from our kidding supplies), and we still need to finish painting and repairing it. The whole top of it needs to be replaced, as one corner has been broken off. But, I want to do that right and am waiting until I can get a good thick piece of hardwood to stain for it. I couldn't wait to put it into use, though, finished or not...

And here everything is, organized and labeled. The left side is for general use, the right side is my stuff.

=sigh= Storage. I dream of storage space. I live for storage space.


  1. Those shelves are works of art. You just gave me a new goal.

  2. Super storage solution! I've only got two kiddies, so we use an old two shelved Sauder T.V. cart. which is tucked behind a door. With multiple children, storage for homeschooling really could be a nightmare. Great solution.

  3. I like organization, and the sight of your cabinet shelves warms my heart!

    (P.S. Great minds think alike because my big project for next week is to organize/label our walk-in pantry.)

    Have a great (and organized) day!

  4. I'm embarrassed! You should see MY SPACE...must do something about that...Thanks for giving me the incentive to begin!! Cathy

  5. I wonder how long it will last.

  6. Thank-you, Laura, Alexandra, Bia and Cathy! It's so satisfying to have that project finished!

    And, you're right, Anonymous (whoever you are!, the question is: Can we keep it this organized?? I'll let you know...


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