Monday, January 14, 2008

Hullo, Moon!

How cool is this? My brother, Daniel, a budding astronomer and computer enthusiast came out to the farm Saturday night with his new telescope and shot this picture of the moon, downloaded it onto his little computer thingy and sent it to us yesterday (The picture, not the moon!). What an awesome exposure to astronomy for our little girls!

At the bottom of his e-mails he signs off "Clear Skies," Don't you love that?!

Clear Skies, friends!


  1. Can my son adopt your super cool uncle? What an awesome night! Oh...and I love your new header picture!

  2. Wow! That is incredible! I truly love looking at the night sky, and I imagine that you get some spectacular, clear nights on your farm.

    I tried to take astronomy in college because I wanted to study the planets,etc., but the class turned out to be ALL math...shudder! (I ended up dropping it.)

    My sons got that "Dangerous Book for Boys" for Christmas, and several nights in December we used it to study the constellations.

    As you may know, I love "la bella luna" and have written several things about it in my blog.

    Kudos to your brother.
    God bless!

  3. I LOVE the new pic in your header. Beautiful!

  4. Thanx, Marie! That pic was actually taken last winter down the lane right near our house on the Western slope. =sigh= I soooo miss that house, and the river, and the lane in the woods next door...

  5. It's all cool. I like both photos.

  6. Truly awesome!!! Wait 'til I show it to Ron!!! It has been so cloudy here that he's not had a chance to even use his telescope. If a shout goes up and you hear it you'll know who it is...
    By the way, if you will stop by my blog I have something to share with you! Cathy

  7. That is amazing!
    That picture looks seriously professional:)

  8. wow, what a shot! me too, i'd love such an uncle for my boys! would you happen to know what kind of telescope he has?

  9. Hello Everyone, I'm Lisa's sister Donna, the telescope is a Celestron NexStar 130 SLT. We got it on sale for him for Christmas from There are a ton of telescopes on their website, for all ages. But, Celestron is one of the best brands.

    (Aunty) Donna


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