Saturday, January 26, 2008

An E Award!

Marie and Ginny over at View From the Pews are so sweet! They've honored me with an "E" Award! To be honored for excellence from such excellent bloggers is a high honor, indeed. Thank-you, so very much, ladies! Once again, I'm humbled by the kindness of my fellow bloggers!

Now, I get to pass it along! Oh, my, oh, my,oh, my.... So many excellent blogs out there! How do I narrow it down to just 10?! Please know that any blog I ever look at I consider excellent in some way or another. But the rules (listed below) say to pick just ten, so here goes:

Matilda at Waltzing Matilda
Dawn at By Sun and Candlelight
Cathy at A Bit of the Blarney
Laura at Catholic Teacher Musings
Red Cardigan at And Sometimes Tea
Nutmeg at Life in a Nutshell
Bia at La Dolce Vita
Suzy at Sailing by Starlight
Peggy at A Catholic Notebook
Danette at A Crocus in the Valley

The rules: By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please award at least 10. Thank you out there for having such great blogs and being such great friends! You deserve this! Feel free to award people who have already been awarded…


  1. I'd like to thank my mom and dad...and...just kidding!!! Why thank you Lisa; that is a big surprise and quite nice of you. I will spread the love this week!!!

  2. There are SO many good and wonderful blogs out there Lisa..isnt it hard too choose only ten?

    You SO deserve it I LOVE reading your blog:).

    Peace & JOY to you:)


  3. This is really sweet of you Lisa. And congrats on winning it yourself. It is very well deserved.
    Have a great week:0)

  4. Congratulations and thank you! That is so sweet! I'll have to check out the others who were awarded.

    Have a great day!

  5. Thanks Lisa! I think your blog is excellent too, as well as all of your choices....

    I know they'll be some repeats in my list.


  6. Lisa, you certainly deserve this award. I headed over here today hoping to find a suitable post where I could leave a comment saying so. I'm a little embarassed because you left a kind and ladylike comment on a rather snarky post of mine. I don't hold it against you that Thomas Kinkade appears on your blog. It's pretty far down.

  7. Laura ~ Giggling here, because my first impulse is to either quote Sally Field's famous Academy Award winning speech, or Ralphie's Dad in a Christmas Story... I just love the fun-loving spirit of your blog!

    Marie ~ Thank-you again! It IS hard! You don't want to know how long my favorites list is ~ and it gets longer all the time! I do love both your blogs, too! Sending a cool Colorado breeze to you in Australia!

    Suzy ~ Honestly, anytime the chance to share awards comes around, yours is one of the first blogs I think about. You're always so full of inspiration and real peace and love. I save my visits to your blogs in the evening, so I can wind down by them and have good thoughts to go to sleep on.

    Danette~ Yours is one of my newest favorites list additions, and I always love checking in on what you're up to and what you're thinking about!

    Nutmeg ~ Yours is one of the first blogs I found, so you're near the top of my favorites. I love your take on life! (Love that we have a Colorado connection, too &:o)

    Matilda ~ You know what drew me first to your blog? You've got the best header! But, then I got to reading, and now I always have to check in on what you're up to, what schooling or feast celebrating inspirations you have, etc.

    Simcha ~ -gg- Thanks. &:o) I think... I'm going to have to post on my affinity for cheesy art and poetry...

  8. Lisa, you are so sweet. I have to say, though, that ever since I've started blogging I have been truly humbled at how many great moms there are out there. So many of you do all that you do, AND you homeschool...I have learned so much from you and others. So, thank you for this...coming from you it is very special. Have a blessed day.

  9. Wow, thanks! This is the first blog award I have ever received. It really does feel kinda nice!!
    Our computer is on the blink so I am blogging soley on lunch hours and after school hours FROM SCHOOL. Uhhg!
    I look forward to passing it on (as soon as I can)


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