Thursday, January 31, 2008

Diary of a Lazy Cook

Sunday: Reheat leftovers from taco luncheon served at husband's place of employment on Friday. (Imagine them thinking we'd have use for all those leftovers!)

Monday: Make a vat of spaghetti sauce with rest of ground beef from same taco luncheon. Use part of this spaghetti sauce for large pan of lasagna for dinner.

Tuesday: Sandwiches on the run (on the way out to look at puppies).

Wednesday: Finish up the rest of the lasagna with Aunt Nina, while Daddy takes Mommy out to dinner at the Movie Tavern (Saw I am Legend ~ Gave me bad dreams...).

Thursday: Lunch ~Used up end of chopped tomatoes from that taco luncheon, added tomato sauce, oregano and garlic to them. Topped leftover hotdog buns still good from last week with this combination, sprinkled with mozzarella cheese and topped with the end of some pepperoni found in the back of the fridge. Instant mini pizzas.
Dinner ~ Spaghetti with the end of the sauce made on Monday, with salad and french bread. Add some spumoni and we have the makings of an Italian meal for St. John Bosco's feast day!

Friday: Popcorn, cheese, and apples with a movie. For the feast of St. Brigid, we ought to find something Irish, but cabbage and/or potatoes are hard to eat in front of a movie...


So, all the leftovers have been used up, except a big bowl of sour cream that will keep until we have either a Mexican food night next week or stroganoff. Is everyone here sick of Italian food this week, you might wonder? Well, this group is not picky. If the the big boys were here, they would be complaining by now, and I would say, "Oh, good. So, you want to make dinner tonight?" But, the Littles don't even notice the eat-repeat, and they all love anything with pasta, anyway.

In case you haven't guessed, I'm not a foodie. To make sure we get all our nutrients, we have lots of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes, which everyone likes and will eat. Everyone likes apples and bananas. Add some whole grain bread and lots of dairy and I hope I'm keeping us covered. We almost never eat anything boxed or pre-prepared, and in that way, we avoid too many chemicals. I can count on one hand the number of times we've eaten fast food in the last six months. So, we do aim for health of a sort in our menus. But, we're so not fancy. Maybe when the kids are all grown up my husband and I will get creative with our menus...

In the meantime, it's all about cheap, filling, healthful and eaten without too much fuss and bother. And the better a food "stretches" out over a week, the better I like it. I really am a lazy cook.


  1. I've often wondered about feeding a large family. My mom has 7 brothers and 2 sisters, and apparently they ate a lot of cornbread. My grandma is in an assisted living place now, and all she can talk about is the lack of cornbread.

  2. I love that all the kids are gone we have leftovers because I still think I'm cooking for 7. Don't know if I'll ever be able to make small quantities. Will have to post this new recipe I found in a magazine this week when I get back from INDY. VERY simple and pretty tasty...and you can use the sour cream! Cathy

  3. OK Lisa I'm coming over to YOUR house to EAT LOL!

    Though I have never tasted corn bread lol.

    *waves to the other marie*

    Peace & In fun,


  4. You are SO ORGINIZED! I do good to plan day to day!

    Check out my blog for surprise. :)



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