Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday Afternoon Update

Yesterday was a snowy day here in Eastern Colorado. We spent the day working on the "bones" of the Nativity set (lights, trees, etc), while watching the Christy series on DVD that we borrowed from the library. I hadn't watched those since I was a teenager! What good and wholesome television! Why don't they have anything like that on TV now? The time period fit in nicely with Michelle's study of Anne of Green Gables, and we were all gratified by the lessons learned in each episode. And it was more fun doing the not-so-fun nitty gritty construction on Bethlehem with the movies in the background. And my cuppa mocha on the hearth.
Here's the new blanket of snow at our house:
Here's how far we are today on the Nativity Scene:
Now, back to more mundane things like laundry and correcting math papers.


  1. I love the Christy book, the series, and if we had had a girl, she would have been named Christy.

    Your house looks so beautiful and "Christmasy" with all that snow.

    God bless.

  2. Oh, here in Australia TV is dismal:(. It is our off season but the shows on the TV are a disgrace.

    I have bought wholesome DVD's so that in the evenings if I want to watch something then I can choose something that I want to watch.

    I have the Anne of Green Gables on DVD. I also bought Shrek and Mrs. Doubtfire. I also intend buying 'Miss Potter' a really good movie

    Peace & JOY to you:)


  3. Ah! Snow! I am so very jealous!

  4. Your home is very lovely, especially with all the snow. I love Colorado! My dad grew up there.
    And I have been wanting to rent Christy, I have never seen it, but it looks wonderful. Thank you for the recommendation!

  5. Oh what I wouldn't give for a beautiful white blanket of snow like that. Sounds like a cozy day.

  6. Winter is so much nice to look at than to live in. Nevertheless, good job!

  7. Oh, I wish we had snow..its over a hundred degrees today. *sigh*

    I just want to jump through the screen right in the middle of all that snow lol.

    Peace & JOY to you


  8. Bia ~ I'd forgotten how much I loved that story! It was so much fun sharing it with my girls!

    Marie ~ We've been stocking up on wholesome movies, too. Love the Anne of Green Gables series! Megan Follows is so perfect for Anne! Just like we think Kellie Martin is perfect for Christy!

    Raulito, AmyCaroline, Gayle, Poetryman and Marie ~ I do love the snow this time of year. It looks so pretty, and, yes, Christmasy. But, boy, am I already sick of the mud that's getting tracked in by it! Ack!

    Marie ~ Where ARE you, that it's 100 degrees!

  9. Very beautiful pictures. We too are having a white season. The first early start on one since we moved here 12 years ago.


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