Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Our Nativity Scene Progress

Not quite finished, but getting there. We've got all the rocks in and are satisfied with the stream that runs in front of, and actually under the stable. The water, a combination of crinkled tin foil with clear lights poked through, topped with a mixture of millions of pieces of shattered safety glass and blue and white glitter, doesn't photograph well, but we think it turned out pretty realistic this year.

We've got all the trees up with their lights strung and working. The children chose where to place the small animals. Mommy (and her group of advisors) set up the rest of the figures, minus, of course, the Baby Jesus, the Wise Men and their entourage. The shepherds are just sorta hanging out right now, not noticing that the old barn in the cave is occupied. Two are warming themselves by the fire, one is playing his flute for a little dog. The sheep are all peacefully grazing while the sheepdogs look on.

It's a bit of a family controversy right now, whether or not the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph should already be in Bethlehem, but I can't set Our Lady on that donkey to simulate her journey and I miss not seeing her there in the stable. So, for the time being, at least, they are there, praying and waiting, like we all are!

A wide view across the rocks
Tried to get a shot of the water here...

A close up of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. We like the way the
shadows look like smoke coming off of a little fire in this photo...

Two shepherds by the campfire.
This little skunk is always a combination of scandal and fun to place...
A view of the bridge with its icicles... Needs a shot of glitter spray to make it sparkle...
The young shepherd serenading his puppy...

Three raccoons crossing the bridge...

Our little hiding mice haven't shown up yet, so we ordered some more on E-bay and are anxiously awaiting their arrival. Half the fun is looking for the little mice every day! Also, we're all watching for snow clouds in Bethlehem. Could get some snow there any time now...


  1. Every year at this time in Verona, Italy there is a huge display in the Arena (a Roman Colosseum, very similar to the one in Rome) of nativities from around the world. Yours could be on display there. Well done! (I hope you find the mice; when will it snow?) God bless!

  2. My goodness this is lovely. What a treasure. It must be difficult to dismantle. I'd want to keep it all year. But then where would the joy be next year in creating the scene again? Thank you!


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