Thursday, December 20, 2007

Five Days To Go!

Time is getting short, and still so much to do!

Our boys are trickling in, our oldest first, who is bringing his sweet girlfriend to visit us for a couple of days. Then the other three arrive sometime Saturday, traveling back with the Sisters and a carload of Colorado kids. That will be a "singing" trip, as the nun who is driving them is a most highly loved choir director. Wish I could be a fly on the windshield to hear all the music and joking!

We're spending our time right now finishing up the decorating and wrapping presents. We're also doing the remote preparations for a big family sledding trip next week, and a sing-along party. Today we'll get some baking in, which we won't continue until Sunday and Monday, seeing as Friday and Saturday are Ember Days and it's just too painful not to be able to eat the dough! We'll offer up the inconvenience for vocations and for our wonderful, hard-working priests.

But today we'll be making these, Peppermint Cookies n' Cream Brownies (YUM!), and some of these, home made marshmallows and chocolate pizzas next week. And of course, the traditional chocolate chips (some variety there-of) and sugar cookies. Jon will make divinity when he gets here; it's his specialty. Dominic will probably want to make some cookie pops. And I'm sure some fudge will be made before it's all over.

Here's the finished Winter Village, complete with Christmas trees and sky (had to use two panels for the sky, because of the way the pattern runs, but it'll make for some cute curtains later):

Michelle found the picture of the altar and the rug for the foyer of the Church. We ended up finding these really neat little stick-on "jewels" for the stained glass windows. We still have to decide what to call our church, though. Something having to do with the Nativity maybe? Any suggestions?


  1. I love your decorations! It makes me miss my mom and all my brothers and sisters. We live so far away now.

    By the way, you have been tagged. Stop by my blog to see. I hope you decide to do it, 'cause I can't wait to see your answers. :)

  2. Can we spend Christmas at your house? A sledding trip, a sing-along party . . . sounds fun! Your Christmas village turned out beautifully! For your church, how about "The Grotto of the Holy Family", or "The Silent Night Chapel", or . . . okay I'll stop, but know that I'll be thinking of this all day! God bless, and I hope everyone makes it home safely.

    P.S. What are your tips/suggestions for a sing-along party?

  3. I love it ALL, and your new "header" is sooooo beautiful...Oh, how homesick I have become...God Bless!!

  4. Your Christmas village could tempt a girl to's so lovely!

  5. Thanks, muddy mama! It was sad when we lived away from our extended family, too, so I know what you mean... Glad to be near them again now! I'll do that meme (That one's going to be a challenge!) as soon as I catch up laundry ~ um, today, tomorrow??

    LOL, Bia, you're so nice! We love your church name ideas! We're throwing them in the hat for a vote when Daddy's home tomorrow. I'll make a post here in a day or so about a sing-along! That's a fun topic!

    GrandmaK, thank-you! I'm glad you like the new header! It was fun picking it out; I was ready for a change! I just wish I could get the title to show over it! Do you ever get to come visit this part of the country?

    Colleen, thank-you so much! We really enjoyed making it!

  6. Wow!
    What agreat job you and your kids did with those decorations:0)
    The alter in the church is just beautiful. How creative you all are!
    Blessings to you and your family:0)

  7. Lisa... I love looking at the updates of your nativity scene!! I would love to do this with my guys someday! And hmm... Church titles other than Nativity??? What's that feast day that just passed that I never heard before Our Lady of the Expectation (or something like that) -- I'm not sure of any other Nativity related Church names!! LOL!!


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