Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We made it here!

The actual, physical moving day was Monday, the feast of my namesaint, St. Elizabeth of Hungary. And I would much rather have been sitting in front of the computer writing a post about St. Elizabeth, one of my all-time favorite heavenly friends, than moving, let me tell you!

Though it was way tedious, and we all ended up with backaches and sore fingers from lifting sooooo many boxes and so much furniture, it was a very successful operation. I knew there was a reason God, in His mercy, gave us all these wonderfully strong young men! And bless Jon and Michelle for staying at the farm with all the Littles while Dad and the other brothers emptied out the old house. (I mostly finished packing and did all the cleaning up after, and you would not believe how many crayons and marbles I found in every crack, corner and crevice!)

This is the one picture we got on moving day before someone packed the camera! See my wonderful washing machine being moved in by Paul and Kevvy? We finally got it hooked back in today, and not a moment too soon! We have dirty clothes piling up to our chins!
These are the roses my most wonderful husband had waiting for me . See how they match the kitchen he painted for me before we got here? What a sweet surprise!
Lacking any other furniture, Jon and Therese made do with the edge of the hearth to play the keyboard. Can't have a day without music!
Furniture in and things are getting a little more back to normal by Wednesday afternoon. The children and my brother, Dave, relax over a rousing game of Pictionary here. Ah, what wonderful noise! I've missed the sounds of my teenage sons laughing and joking and arguing over board games.


  1. Welcome home, Lisa! We're glad you're back. It will be interesting to see what God unfolds for you now that you're back here again.

  2. Welcome home, Lisa! We're glad you're back. It will be interesting to see what God unfolds for you now that you're back here again.

  3. I remember when we moved our two older boys were a big help. They have been a big help with the renovations we have done too. It must have made life much easier to have 4 big boys helping you move.

  4. Thank-you, Ellen! I'm dying to see what His plans are, too! It was so good to see everyone Sunday! Wish we could've stayed at the park longer!

    Therese, you are so not kidding! I don't know what we would've done without our big boys' help! Especially since we had to move on a Monday and all my brothers and everyone else were working!~ Our big boys have cut their teeth on renovations, too! Good on-the-job training, huh?

  5. They will be well trained if they ever marry. I am sure their wife will thank you for training them so well.


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