Sunday, November 25, 2007

We do have lovely sunsets on the prairie...

View out the picture window. See my upturned birdfeeder out there? Gotta fix that. Also that yogurt still smeared on the table... You don't notice these things til you get them in pictures sometimes...

Three of our sons and their Dad (and Theresa) made the drive back to Omaha late yesterday; my wh is driving back home tonight. We're praying him in safe... At least it's not over the mountains any more.

Though our oldest is driving back over the Rockies tonight, back to school on the Western Slope. Praying him over safe, too.

Already miss my boys.

But glad my husband will be home soon. Now that we've moved back to the farm, we'll actually get to see him every day of the week! How amazing and wonderful will that be?!


  1. That sunset is spectacular. God is good!

  2. What a beautiful way to end the day:)

  3. &:o) Don't you think sunsets are like rainbows, maybe, little messages from God? He's saying goodnight to us...

  4. Would never have noticed any of those so called flaws if not called to my attention...The sunset is much too beautiful. God somehow makes any "flaw" into beauty, don't you think? You took a wonderful picture!


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