Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Visit a Day

While we can, anyway... The weather has been so glorious, and it's been a pleasure to visit cemeteries and pray for the souls so far during the octave.

This cemetery is on top of "Sunset Mesa" overlooking Montrose, Colorado, and is one of the older cemeteries in the area. The views of the San Juans are spectacular from up there! This is where I told my husband I want to be buried, so that people will linger, enjoying the view, and maybe end up saying more prayers for my soul... Daddy, with little Gabe on board and all the girls plus William. We figure that, including me, if you can count the pure souls of our under-seven crowd who prayed today, that's seven sets of plenary indulgences!
A view of the San Juans over the gravestones.
We hope it's not considered disprespecful for a three year old to play peek-a-boo from behind the tombstones. He did always want to know, "What does this sign say, Mommy?" And when we told him to say,"Bless Thomas" or "Bless Beatrice" he was always happy to do so ~ over his shoulder, as he ran to the next tombstone.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Blog - we need to "meet". Drop a comment - if you would like to exchange emails.

    Christi AKA mum2twelve


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