Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Feast of the Divine Maternity

Mary, the Mother of God.

The Mother of God.

How can we say those words and not be absolutely floored by everything that they imply? I'm never at a loss for words, and yet, I'm at a loss to try to add anything to the sheer, simple, awesome space that those words take up in the universe of meaning.

That God would come to earth for us.

That He would choose to come to earth as one of us!

I think if we were truly to understand this condescension, we would fall on our faces in humility, in shame of our unworthiness. I think we would die of it.

And yet He came.

And He chose for His mother such a one. Perfect from conception. The ideal of womanhood.

The Blessed Virgin, Mary.

And He shares her with us. He gave her to us as our Mother, when He gave her to His beloved disciple, John, on Calvary.

And He gave us to her.

Our dear Mother, Mary.

The Mother of God!

Pray for us, now and at the hour of our death!
Help us to imitate your perfect example, as mothers, as wives, as daughters of the Church;
Keep us always in your loving care.

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