Thursday, September 27, 2007

Visitors Among Sunbeams

Can you see them back there behind the truck? We have frequent deer visitors to the house this time of year; they like our fruit trees and proximity to the river. These two just stood there looking at us for a minute almost like they were posing, but the picture-taker couldn't find the zoom button. We'll try to get a better close up next time.


  1. Oh yes we have them too! They get quite nervy this time of year getting ready for winter even with us putting down bloodmeal. They pull out some of our flowers by the roots. Can't blame them too much! First time here to visit. Enjoyed reading your stories etc. cherry

  2. Hi, Cherry! They are so beautiful, but can be a pest I know. All our flowers are behind fences that they haven't tried... yet! Thanks for visiting!


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