Monday, September 17, 2007

Back to the Prairie

A Prairie Sunset

Shot gold, maroon and violet, dazzling silver,
emerald, fawn,
The earth's whole amplitude and nature's mul-
tiform power consigned for once to colors;
The light, the genial air possessed by them—
colors till now unknown,
No limit, confine—not the Western sky alone—
the high meridian—North, South, all,
Pure luminous color fighting the silent shadows
to the last.
Walt Whitman


  1. Mommy this is so cool!!!!! you should do alot more like this!! For the short time you've been doing this you sure have written alot I think everything is so cool on here!!! I guess there is alot that we can write about!!! I especially like the picture!!! Where'd you take or find it, I wouldn't be surprised if you took it in Colorado. AAAALLL this is so cool! Have you been added yet 'cause I think that it is so cool!!!

  2. Oh I just love Walt Whitman.
    "No limit, confine—not the Western sky alone—
    the high meridian—North, South, all,
    Pure luminous color fighting the silent shadows
    to the last."
    Beautiful post:0)
    THankyou so much for stopping by my blog. I'm glad it led me to your beautiful blog:0)


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