Monday, December 31, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Joys: The Family Creche, 2012

Kinda Korny.  And I hate the way my voice sounds....  Doesn't everybody? (Hate the way I sound,I mean.  gglggl)  But, anyway, here you find it, the Davis family nativity scene, recorded for posterity, and so we have something to go by next year -- not like we'll ever beat Dominic's amazing work this year, though!  The whole amazing thing: it was all him, concept, design, and direction of helper elves.

Dominic, you rock.
Yes, you do.

You do.

You really do!
(Love you!  Gonna miss you when you go back to the Seminary in the new year!)

Christmas Joys, continued...

December 25th, 2012

Gavin and "Uncle Bill."  (ONLY Gavin is allowed to call him Uncle Bill, however....)
Nina! (with ketchup)

Handsome Gavin ("Hiyeee!").

Theresa and Cathy (Giggle Snort)

Uncle Steve
This shot just as he received his "singing Christmas present," in which
he was musically gifted with a Powderhorn ski pass and ski rental --
Yes...  gifted musically.  It got sang to him...
Like many things that go on around here, it's kinda hard to explain.
You had to be here...

Michelle -- aka, Shelly -- aka, "Fluffy" --- aka, "Chicky"

 Michelle/Shelly/Fluffy/Chicky with Cathy/Cathy/Cathy/Cathy

Anna and Gabe
In a rare Kodak moment.

Grandma (Sharon), Gabe, Paul, and Nicole -- contemplating their next moves
in the traditional Christmas "Apples to Apples" game...

Michelle/Shelly/Fluffy/Chicky thanking William/Not Bill/Not Billy/Not Will/Not Willy
 for the great "KK" gift he gave her (Note the beanie... with gloves and chocolate!)

Gavin and his best pal, Grandpa

Gavin loves his Momma just a little...
So do we!

Dominic in front of his work of art -- this year's awesome
version of Bethlehem, which filled the whole music room.
(Video of Bethlehem coming later...)

Gavin, getting to know  Mr. Potato Head, inside and out...

Daddy/Dad/Dan, the "Master of Ceremonies" in the midst of the all-important
gift-distribution "ceremony."

Missing In Action:
Brother Philip (formerly Jonathan Charles)...
shown here at his quick visit home last summer for the dentist... Couldn't make it back for Christmas this year, as his"visitations" are limited in his first year at the seminary as a novitiate in the Religious life.   We did get to see him for a bit a couple weeks ago when we went to Omaha for the ordination of our good friend, Father Carlos Borja.  So... We feel deprived, but we'll live.  Maybe.

And then there's Kevin...

who was supposed to be here for Christmas, but got to attend his first Broncos game 
last week and chose an unfortunate place to park, whereafter his car was towed and, forthwith, there 
being a bizarre discrepaency at the DMV (their fault), he was unable to get his car out of impound
until the day after Christmas.... And therefore...  he was unable to get home for the Holiday.  And
we missed him very much (as did the choir). But, God Willing, we'll see him after his classes on Friday.
God Willing, and the mountains don't blizzard.  Etc. Because we have a bunch of presents waiting for him here...  and need help eating all the cookies the girls baked last week.  
** Please forgive the terrible picture quality...  Trust me: it's making me crazy, these horrible pics -- but we had a bizarre accident with my camera, and have not recovered from it yet...  As soon as I get my good lens repaired, I'll hopefully be able to improve the pics -- in spite of my amateur-ness.  A good camera can make even a hack's work presentable....

Christmas Joys!

Mary of Christmas

I know not how, dear Lady love,

To offer you my praise,
I cannot fashion as I wish
The words that I world raise.
You stand afar, celestial Queen,
The stars are in your crown,
They spangle at each gesture's path
And dust upon your gown.

Perhaps I might recall the night
You knelt beside the crib,
The night when doors and casements shut
And left a mountain's rib,
Alone, exposed, to hoard you close
Beside the new-born Child
And seek in Joseph's kindly eyes
For something worldly-mild.

To counteract such mundane chill
I hereby set my heart,
Dim mirror of an Infant's warmth,
Its flaming but a part,
A small, sad part of Endless Love
That came on Christmas day
To show a mother wonder-bright
To guide us on our way.


The paper whites in the above photo we found blooming on Christmas morning!  I'd picked them up less than a month before Christmas, not expecting them to sprout and bloom in time for the big day...  It usually takes longer.  Such a sweet and wonderful little surprise for us! And as there are no accidents in the universe, we're grateful for them as a gift -- not to us but to the dear Mother of the Infant Jesus.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Guess Who's Two?

Gavin James!!
Our beautiful, sweet grandbaby isn't a baby any more.
I can't believe two years have already passed since he came into our lives!
We can't imagine life without him!
Happy, happy birthday, Gavin!
We love you to infinity
And Beyond!

Uncle Kevvy
Uncle Brother Phil
Uncle Nominic
Aunt Chicky
Aunt Seesa
Aunt Sassy
Aunt Nanna
Uncle Gabey
Uncle Bill

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

The Lord possessed me
In the beginning of His ways,
Before He made anything
From the beginning.

I was set up from eternity, and of old,
Before the earth was made.

The depths were not as yet,
and I was already conceived;

Neither had the fountains of waters
 as yet sprung out;

The mountains with their huge bulk
had not as yet been established:
Before the hills I was brought forth;
He had not yet made the earth,

Nor the rivers,

Nor the poles of the world.

When He prepared the heavens, I was present;

When with a certain law and compass
 He enclosed the depths;

When He established the sky above,

And poised the fountains of waters;

When He compassed the sea with its bounds,
And set a law to the waters that they should not pass their limits;

When He balanced the foundations of the earth;

I was with Him forming all things;

And was delighted every day,
Playing before Him at all times;
Playing in the world:

And my delight is to be with the children of men.

Now, therefore ye children, hear me:

Blessed are they who keep my ways.
Hear instruction, and be wise,
And refuse it not.
Blessed is the man who hears me,
Who watches daily at my gates,
And waits at the posts of my doors.

He who shall find me shall find life,
and shall have salvation from the Lord.

Proverbs 8, 22-35 and the Epistle for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

* Congratulations to all those who today were Consecrated to the Blessed Mother according to the method of St. Louis DeMontfort:  Our friends, Erin and Jan Marie, and our family members, whose very special devotions to the Blessed Mother are now under these titles:
Daniel Mark of Mary, Ark of the Covenant
Theresa Philomena of Mary, the Ivory Tower
Catherine Cecilia of Our Lady, House of Gold
Anna Germaine of Mary, Cause of our Joy
Gabriel Joseph of Mary, Queen of Apostles
...and William who is too young to be consecrated, but who insists that he is now William Thomas of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.  (Which is a very good devotion for him, indeed, so I'm not arguing.)

And my title of devotion for the Blessed Mother is Lisa Bernadette, of the Immaculate Conception.

Our BestWishes for a Happy, Holy
Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Happy Feast of St. Nicholas!
(The real guy is so much more awesome than the myth!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Feast of St. Nicholas

From Advent Customs by Sr. Mary Laetitia, R.S.M.
Nihil Obstat: J. Gerald Kealy, D.D.
Imprimatur: Samuel Cardinal Stritch
Chicago, November 22, 1955

If we want to "Put Christ Back Into Christmas" we must return to the traditional ideas of the Church. Christmas, if it is to be primarily a holy day, and not a commercial holiday, must be essentially a religious feast. All the festivities of the season accent it spiritually and our Advent celebration must not smother its spiritual flavor.

Early in Advent on December 6th, the Church rejoices on the feast of St. Nicholas. This day is always a favorite with children. Gifts are in place, and their giving offers parents an opportunity to tell the little ones about the charity of the saint. Such small gifts as candy, nuts, or a bright toy, will remind them of the Gift Christ gives us each Christmas.

So, now....
I can't disagree with what she said, but awwww, geeeee...

I think it's an automatic reaction for some to see those words "must be essentially a religious feast" and start to feel like they're being smothered. Don't those words "religious feast" mean we must be serious and formal and prim? We feel deprived. Like a kid who's only allowed to use the online encyclopedia and isn't allowed to play games.

Everyone else gets to play! It's not fair! Not letting us have any fun...

But, is Christmas time -- is life -- really not supposed to be fun?

Of course we're allowed to have fun!  There's a time for being serious, of course, and things that must be taken seriously, but  don't let the devil and the saecular world muddy up truth. The wisdom of the Church always provides.  And God knows we're a bunch of kids at heart! Didn't He tell us He wanted us to become as little children? Now, of course that doesn't mean we're supposed to be brats. But, we should have a spirit of joy, and be carefree in His love and care for us! Isn't that what hope is? What faith is? What charity is?

And of course the Church doesn't expect us to behave in Advent as if it's Lent. I like to explain it to my children this way:

When you are pregnant with a child (and, boy, do I know about this!), you are filled with anticipation of the joy of bringing a new child into the world. Anticipation of the joy. Which is a very, very close relative to the joy itself.

But, mostly, you are just getting ready. These last four weeks before the birth of The Baby, our dearest Blessed Mother was preparing the best she could. She was anticipating. She was so looking forward to meeting her very, very special little Son. But, she was not opening the champaigne yet (so to speak).
When the baby is here safely, THEN you party.

I don't know if you know this, but in the Jewish culture, it was the custom (to this day in orthodox Jewish families) to not speak the child's name, or even really speak of the child, until after it is born! I wonder if it was so with the Mother of God? She knew His name, but may never have spoken it until it was officially given to Him on the Circumcision! (Oh, what a blessed day in the universe, the day His Name was first spoken!)

So, we're not sad during Advent. We're spending our time preparing our homes and hearts and holding on to our best JOY for the big day. The day of His birth.

When a great feast comes along, like the Feast of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, of course we celebrate! But, we celebrate with an understanding of who St. Nicholas was, and how his example can help us find our way to Heaven, too! We put candy and presents in the children's shoes, have special cakes and cookies, sing songs, and decorate for the day, all while keeping in mind that it is "essentially a religious feast."
Tomorrow morning the kids 'll have their goodies in their shoes to commemorate the generosity of St. Nicholas, but I will personally be having some rum of Christian generosity in my eggnog tomorrow night. How about you?

(For everything in the world about St. Nicholas, from history to recipes and coloring pages, go here.)

* Repost, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Sweet Devotion for Advent

Reposted...  But, sorry!  A couple days late to start on December 1st.... Still, it's easy to catch it all up on in one day. The children love this devotion! It gives concrete virtues for us to work on and is beautifully visual.  Sometimes I have the kids draw in each addition in a Nativity picture that they work on throughout the month.

A Spiritual Christmas Crib**

These directions show you how to build a spiritual crib in your heart for Christ. Use it to put Christ into your Christmas in a real, living way. 

Start on December 1. Read the thought indicated about Christ's first crib. 
Practice it during the day. 

Do this daily during December and make your heart a worthy crib for Christ on Christmas Day.

Frequently during the day offer your heart to the little Infant Jesus. Ask Him to make it His home. 

--Sweet Jesus, take my heart and make it meek and pure.

See that the roof of the stable is in good condition, so that the Infant Jesus is protected from rain and snow. This you will do by carefully avoiding every uncharitable remark. 

--Jesus, teach me to love my neighbor as myself.

Carefully stop every crevice in the walls of the stable, so that the wind and cold may not enter there. Guard your senses against temptations. Guard especially your ears against sinful conversations. 

--Jesus, help me to keep temptations out of my heart.

Clean the cobwebs from your spiritual crib. Diligently remove from your heart every inordinate desire of being praised. Renew this intention at least three times today. 

--My Jesus, I want to please You in all I do today.

Build a fence about the crib of your heart by keeping a strict watch over your eyes, especially at prayer. 

--Sweet Jesus, I long to see You.

Fix the best and warmest corner of your heart for the manger of Jesus. You will do so by abstaining from what you like most in the line of comfort and amusement. 

--Dear Mother Mary, use these sacrifices to prepare my heart for Jesus in Holy Communion.

DEC. 7 - HAY

Supply the manger of your heart with hay, by overcoming all feelings of pride, anger or envy. 

--Jesus, teach me to know and correct my greatest sins.


Also provide your manger with soft straw by performing little acts of mortification; for instance, bear the cold without complaints; or sit and stand erect. 

--Dear Jesus, Who suffered so much for me, let me suffer for love of You.

Prepare these for the Divine Infant by folding your hands when you pray, and praying slowly and thoughtfully. 

--Jesus, help me love you more and more.

Provide the manger of your crib with soft warm blankets. Avoid harsh and angry words; be kind and gentle to all. 

--Jesus, help me to be meek and humble like You.

DEC. 11 - FUEL
Bring fuel to the crib of Jesus. Give up your own will; obey your superiors cheerfully and promptly. 

--Jesus, help me do Your will in all things.

Bring fresh, clean water to the crib. Avoid every untruthful word and every deceitful act. 

--Dearest Mary, obtain for me true contrition for my sins.

Bring a supply of food to the crib. Deprive yourself of some food at mealtime or candy as a treat.

--Jesus, be my strength and nourishment.


See that the crib has sufficient light. Be neat and orderly about your person; keep everything in its place in your room. 

--Jesus, be the life and light of my soul.

DEC. 15 - FIRE 
Take care to have the crib of your heart warmed by a cozy fire. Be grateful to God for the love He has shown us in becoming man; behave with grateful respect towards your parents and relatives. 

--Jesus, how can I return Your love; how can I show my gratitude to You?

DEC. 16 - THE OX

Lead the ox to the crib. Obey cheerfully without making excuses and without asking "why."

--I will obey for love of You, Jesus.

Bring the donkey to the crib. Offer to the Divine Infant your bodily strength; use it in the service of others. 

--Jesus, accept my service of love; I offer it for those who do not love You.

Gather some presents for the Divine Infant and His Blessed Mother. Give alms for the poor and say an extra decade of the rosary. 

--Come, Jesus, to accept my gifts and to take possession of my heart.

Strive to bring some little lambs, meek and patient. Do not murmur or complain. 

--Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

Invite the shepherds to pay homage to our newborn King. Imitate their watchfulness; stress in your speech and thoughts the idea that Christmas is important because Jesus will be born again in you. 

--Jesus, teach me to love You above all things.


Provide the stable with a key to keep out thieves. Exclude from your heart every sinful thought, every rash judgment. 

-- Dear Jesus, close my heart to all that hurts You.

Invite the angels to adore God with you. Cheerfully obey the inspirations of your guardian angel and of your conscience. 

--Holy Guardian Angel, never let me forget that you are with me always.

Accompany Saint Joseph from door to door. Learn from him silently and patiently to bear refusals and disappointments. Open wide your heart and beg him to enter with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

--Saint Joseph, help me to prepare for a worthy Christmas Communion.

Go meet your Blessed Mother. Lead her to the manger of your heart and beg her to lay the Divine Infant in it. Shorten your chats and telephone conversations and spend more timetoday thinking of Jesus and Mary and Joseph.

--Come, dear Jesus, Come; my heart belongs to You."

**From: Devotions in Preparation for the Coming of the Christchild, and at the Crib, from Christmas to Purification" by Rev. Frederic Nelson, published by Marian House, Powers Lake, ND 58773 

*** Christmas Crib prayers reprinted from AWTY, 2008